Kelly McKeown
Associate Professor


Joined Westfield State University in 2010.


  • Ph.D. (2010), University of Massachusetts, Amherst | Molecular and Cellular Biology Program, Dept. of Biology

  • M.S. (2002), University of Massachusetts, Amherst | Biomechanics, Dept. of Exercise Science

  • B.S. (1998), McGill University, Montreal, Canada | Joint Major in Physics and Physiology

Courses Taught

  • Human Anatomy and Physiology I&II

  • Medical Genetics

  • Human Biology

Areas of Research

Genes regulating the development of locomotion using zebrafish as a model system

Kinematic analysis using high speed video (Humans AND Zebrafish)


McKeown,K.A., Moreno, R., Hall, V.L., Ribera, A.B., and Downes, G.B. Disruption of eaat2b, a glutamate transporter, results in abnormal motor behaviors in developing zebrafish. Developmental Biology 362(2): 162-171, 2012.

McKeown, K.A., Downes, G.B., Hutson, L.D. Modular laboratory exercises to analyze the development of zebrafish motor behavior. Zebrafish. 6(2):179-85, 2009.

Hirai,T., McKeown, K.A., Gomes, R.F.M., and Bates, J.H.T. Effects of lung volume on lung and chest wall mechanics in rats. Journal of Applied Physiology. 86: 16-21, 1999.

Professional Service

Selected Presentations:

  • McKeown, K.A., How Does Technotrousers Regulate Locomotor Network Development? International Zebrafish Conference, Madison, WI June 2010
  • McKeown, K. A., Brown, C. D., Chu, J., Hamill, J., Lower Extremity Coordination over a Fatiguing Run. Proceedings for the XVIII Congress, International Society of Biomechanics, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2001
Image of Department of Biology Professor Kelly Anne McKeown, Ph.D.