Emergency Action Plan


This Emergency Action Plan has been developed to ensure the safety of Westfield State University Students, Faculty, Staff, and Guests in the event of an emergency.  The plan provides a written document that details the actions and procedures in an emergency and assigns responsibility for certain actions to designated individuals. Here’s how you can do your part:

  • Take Training. The Emergency Preparedness Office offers training for groups or departments on campus.  Contact the office to schedule a training, 413-572-8711.  The training takes about an hour and can be customized for your group or departments' needs.
  • Plan ahead. The time to think about what you would do in an emergency is before you are involved in one. There are significant differences among potential threats which will impact the decisions you make and the actions you take. Take the time to read through these procedures and consider how you would respond.
  • If you see something, say something. When you report crimes, suspicious behaviors, and safety concerns to University Police, you help to keep us all safe. Program 413-572-5262 into your cell phone and don’t hesitate to make a report.
  • Always carry your Campus ID Card. In an emergency, you may find yourself locked out of your building. You may also need to identify yourself to emergency responders.
  • Subscribe to the Emergency Notification System (ENS)The ENS is the best and quickest way to get information in an emergency. Emergency situations develop and change very quickly. The ENS keeps you informed as things change. Students and employees should register and keep the information up to date.

View the Emergency Action Plan


One or more of the following methods may be used to notify the campus community of various emergency events that may impact students, staff, faculty, and visitors on the campus.

  • Emergency Notification System (ENS):  Important emergency alerts, notifications, and updates are sent to all registered devices, including cell phone and email accounts when there is an immediate threat to the safety of the University community. Students and employees should opt into the Emergency Notification System. Go to the Emergency Notification System website to sign up for the alert. It’s that simple!
  • Opt-in Text Messaging: Available for parents, community members and other interested parties who wish to subscribe to receive text alerts. Instructions on subscribing can be found at westfield.ma.edu/emergency. You must re-subscribe each August to receive text alerts.
  • Website Home Page: When needed, critical information is posted on University home page at westfield.ma.edu.
  • Campus Siren and Public Address System: This system may also be utilized during an emergency. When you hear the siren:
    - listen carefully for the subsequent instructions
    - follow up by checking your e-mail and/or text messages 

Emergency Types & Responses

Have Questions?

For questions, please contact Emergency Response at emergencyresponse@westfield.ma.edu or Sam Lemanski.

Campus Globe against cloudy blue sky

Contact Us

Sam Lemanski
Parenzo Hall 038