WSU Internal Grants Programs
This on-campus competitive grant program was established by Westfield State University to support innovative initiatives by the college’s faculty and staff. They promote enhanced teaching, research, and scholarship
This fund helps give faculty access to unanticipated opportunities that may arise during the academic year.
“INPART” GRANTS 2020-2021
In an effort to combine resources, and make things easier for tenure and tenure track faculty and librarians, The Office of the Provost in the Division of Academic Affairs has made funds available for Innovative Pedagogical, Travel or Research Grants (INPART). All the outcomes of each grant will remain the same. There will be 4 funding cycles (September 11, November 13 and January 15 and March 12, 2021).
Innovative Pedagogical Initiatives (IPI)
Avant-garde. Maverick. Progressive. Creative. Non-Traditional. If these words describe your teaching style, or perhaps you would like them to, then you should apply for a Westfield State University (WSU) Innovative Pedagogical Initiatives (IPI) grant. The words of WSU founder Horace Mann capture the essence of innovative pedagogy “The teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron.” Innovative pedagogy initiatives create alternative classroom environments. Innovative pedagogy is not new. It is rooted in the progressive movement of the early twentieth century and is most linked to philosopher John Dewey. The progressive movement sought new ways to educate the individual. Diversity, not conformity, was its focus. It is this spirit that infuses WSU’s Innovative Pedagogy Initiatives grant program.
So, if you are constantly searching for what works, that new instructional technique, or method which gets students excited about the subject matter, you should consider applying for an IPI grant. The grant is awarded for developing a new program of instruction, introducing new technology into the classroom, attending a workshop or conference to learn more about innovative pedagogy, or other demonstrations that foster the ideals of innovative pedagogy.
Please send all IPI proposals to
University Research Grant Program
The aim of the University Research Grant Program (URGP) is to support research activities, including applicable creative activities, and thus foster the intellectual vitality of the University and the professional growth of its faculty and librarians. This program responds, in part, to the strategic goal of increasing support for academic and teaching excellence and engaged scholarship.
All full-time faculty and librarians of the University are eligible to apply for a University Research Grant; an applicant cannot receive more than one award within two annual cycles.
The program is intended to support direct costs of research activities, including but not limited to purchase of equipment and supplies; research participants; clerical assistance; data analysis; travel associated with conducting research; and costs associated with publication or conference presentation of research. The program is not intended for funding reassignment of courses or for research conducted for completion of an academic degree.
The maximum award amount is $2,500.
Please send all University Research Grant Program proposals to
There will be two application windows per year. The first round of applications is due November 1, 2019, and the spring semester will welcome applications on March 6, 2020.
- University Research Grant Program Announcement 2019 - 2020 (PDF File)
- University Research Grant Program Announcement 2019 - 2020 (Word doc)
STARS (Semester Time Award for Research Scholarship) 2020 - 2021
Westfield State University offers an opportunity that assists tenure-track faculty and librarians in working on projects that will support their scholarship, contribute to their fields of knowledge, and enhance the reputation and stature of the university. Tenure-track faculty and librarians currently in their second, third, or fourth year on the tenure track at Westfield State, are invited to apply for one semester of release time from teaching and advising responsibilities in order to focus on such projects. The 2018-2020 STARS Program will provide one award from each of the three academic colleges (College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; College of Education, Health and Human Services; and the College of Mathematics and Sciences). Proposals from each college will be reviewed amongst their own schools.
Examples of appropriate projects include, but are not limited to, a significant publication such as an article in a refereed journal; a scholarly book or a textbook; and public performances or presentations in a significant professional venue appropriate to the applicant’s field.
Schedule for the spring 2020 Application Process
September 16, 2019 - Announcement of STARS application process to Westfield State University Community.
October 14, 2019 - Interested members should submit to the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs an intent to apply in the form of a memo.
December 16, 2019 - A reminder regarding the due date will be sent to all faculty members who have submitted an intent to apply memo to the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs.
January 6, 2020 - Completed applications and letters of supports are due to the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs, Parenzo Hall 103-A.
February 29, 2020 - Awards will be announced by the end of February 2019.
*Samples of successful STARS applications will be available for review in the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs
Please send all STARS proposals to
International Travel Grant
The Office of the Provost in the Division of Academic Affairs has made funds available for international travel for tenure-track and tenured faculty/librarians. The purpose of the international travel grants is to support travel to attend or present at international conferences, or participate in an international volunteer opportunity that promotes the intellectual vitality of the University and the professional growth of its faculty and librarians.
All full-time faculty and librarians at the university are eligible to apply for an international travel grant. Please note that an applicant cannot receive more than one award within one annual cycle.
The maximum amount for the International Travel Grants is $1,500. Funds awarded must be used by the completion date specified in the award notice.
There are three application deadlines for this funding opportunity: Friday, November 1, 2019, Friday, January 24, 2020, and Friday, March 6, 2020
International Travel Grant Guidelines FY20
Honor Roll: Internal Grant Recipients
Westfield State University
2018 – 2019
Innovative Pedagogical Initiatives (IPI) 2018 - 2019 |
Brian Conz, Geography, Planning and Sustainability Bringing Participation Climate Change Research in High Mountain Forests of Guatemala into the Physical Geography Classroom |
Robert Chatt, Economics and Management Financial Management Association Annual Meeting |
Joan Kuhnly, Nursing Use of pregnancy simulator to attain empathy in nursing students |
Frank Giuliano, Chemical and Physical Science Pilot Course, "The Wizardry of Oz" |
Marsha Scanlon, Nursing Simulation Equipment Purchase |
Paige Hermansen, English Conference on College Composition & Communication (CCCC) |
Jennifer DiGrazia, English Western MA Writing Project Summer Institute |
Christopher Gullen, Communication Broadcast Education Association Convention |
Edward Orgill, Music International Society of Jazz Composers' Symposium |
University Research Grant Program (URGP) 2018 - 2019 |
Kimberly Berman, Biology Effect of Elevated Glucose levels on Immune Cell Function |
Shirley Acquah, Communication Health Communication Course Research |
Eric Parness, Theatre Arts Workshop - Houdini Among the Spirits |
Hillary Sackett, Economics and Management Consumer Preferences for Sustainable Certification in Costa Rica's Tourism & Hospitality Industry |
Mao-Lun Weng, Biology Diversity & Evolution of Mitachondrion genome in Pelargonium Plants |
Robert Chatt, Economics and Management Design & Development of New Instructional Technology |
International Travel Grants (ITG) 2018 - 2019 |
Mark Abate, History Fostering Relationship between Westfield State University and Florence University of the Arts in Florence, Italy Carsten Braun, Geography, Planning, and Sustainability Robert Chatt, Economics and Management Partnership with Jade University in Wihelmshaven, Germany Christopher Gullen, Communication "Rare and Universal": Leonardo's Humanism, Portugal |
Christopher Gullen, Communication Fostering Relationship between Westfield State University and Florence University of the Arts in Florence, Italy |
Robin White, Biology British Neuroscience Association International Festival of Neuroscience |
Hillary Sackett-Taylor, Economics and Management Partnership with Jade University in Wihelmshaven, Germany |