Brittany Garand, Transfer Advisor from the Office of Academic Advising, will contact newly enrolled transfer students via email about building their first semester schedule. Course schedules are created based on the department’s recommendations for major courses, along with common core courses and the preferences students provide on the questionnaire. Some preferences may not be honored for various reasons including, but not limited to: academic programs recommend specific course sequences, major requirements or restrictions, prerequisites, remaining course availability, and limited days and times of course offerings. Students will receive notification via their Westfield State student email once their schedule is completed. Brittany also provides students with additional key information about next steps and campus resources. Students may request to meet with Brittany if they would like to discuss additional degree requirements, possible schedule changes or have additional questions.
As you are waiting to receive communication from Brittany, please visit the Transfer Student Advising webpage where you can find additional information regarding important steps a student must complete to prepare for the upcoming semester.